Monday, June 1, 2009

Day 31: The first of the 30-day-shred

Oh. My. God. I am in such pain. The shred literally kicked my butt. And I had to take a break half-way through. What a wimp I am.

I can tell you that this workout really works. I even had trouble getting down the stairs to get in my car this morning. I was breathing hard almost the entire time, my body was drenched in sweat, and I was a quivering mass of goo only 10 minutes in. I used 2 lb weights and had to do the modified versions of almost everything (hint: modified = less impact, but less work), but I finished it! That's right, I did the whole thing!

Ok, so there was a bit of complication in that yesterday my dog Stoli knocked me into our coffee table, and I really banged up my knee. That was bruised and sore today and made it so I couldn't really do the "butt-kicks" exercises, but other than that, this workout was awesome.

I have a couple of other things to add here:
  • First, the shoes that I rewarded myself with for completing the first 30 days are just AWESOME! Even though my entire body was in pain, my feet felt great (and still do).
  • Second, I did some "before" measurements just so I can check my progress and see what changes there are after 30 days. Those measurements are below.
  • Third, I'm not going to publish my weight every day now - I'm still tracking it daily, but instead I'll be publishing it weekly. It provides more room on the blog, and is frankly just easier.

Measurements at day 1 of the 30-day-shred:
Chest: 46"
Bellybutton: 45"
Waist: 42"
Right bicep: 16"
Left bicep: 15"
Hips: 38"
Butt: 41"
Neck: 16.5"

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