Thursday, May 21, 2009

Day 20 - nearly 3 weeks and still going!

I lost 0.8 lbs today, which is a good thing (of course!), but even better, I'm starting to see some results in the mirror. I'll do some pics tomorrow - though I may not share them for the reasons I stated earlier in the blog - but that way I can document the process. What I saw in the mirror this morning was - much more definition around my mid section. Not my gut, although I'm noticing some shrinkage there, but more above that. Almost hourglass-y going on in my mid-section around my ribs. Also, I'm seeing some muscle cut lines in my shoulders - I haven't seen those in a while, and when I was working out years ago, they were one of the first things to show up. That means that even though I'm not doing weight training, the Wii is actually working! I'm most excited about fitting into old clothes and the fact that my man-gut and moobs are getting smaller.

Drank lots of water yesterday and managed to not eat after 9 pm again. It was tough last night though, because I didn't get home until late and so I didn't get any dessert. :( The price we pay to get in shape.

I'm doubly excited also because I took my followup cholesterol test yesterday after 4 months, and I've managed to lower my cholesterol by 50 points, which is huge. I'm still barely higher than I want to be, but I'll aske the dr. about it next week and see what options I have.

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