Friday, May 15, 2009

Day 14 - 2 weeks solid!

I took some pictures this morning to be my "before" pictures. Not sure if I'm ever gonna post them though, because I'm a pretty hairy guy, and, well, I don't want to gross anyone out too badly. But let me know if you want to see them, and I'll put them up. Actually, hair removal is going to be my long-term gift to myself when I reach my goal.

Also, I need to get a fabric tape (I think that's what they're called) so I can measure myself as part of this. I'm going to try and pick one up tonight on my way home.

On to the Wii - I did 35 minutes this morning. I would have done 45 minutes, as I've been doing most days this week, but I was really tired after a late night last night, plus when I woke up this morning, I was very sore. The soreness is probably a good thing, as it means everything is working and kicking in.

Tonight starts a new rule for me. I've been really good this week at drinking at least my 2 liters of water every day. Yesterday I did 3. But tonight, I am declaring no eating after 9 pm. It will be kind of hard, particularly with the hours that I'm used to keeping, and with my wife who likes to eat late. But I've asked her to help and be supportive of me and she's promised to do so. It may mean that I need to go to bed a little earlier, but it should really help with the losing weight and losing inches.

I can't believe that I've done a full 2 weeks of this. I haven't had this much exercise since elementary school. Even when my wife and I first met and I was working out, it wasn't every day - I was in the gym about 3 or 4 times a week.

I'm really enjoying putting my updates on facebook. It keeps me accountable, and the encouragement I get from others (and apparently give to them) keeps me going.

Since today is the official 2 weeks for me, I'm going out at lunch to buy a new hat as a reward (plus I have this mega-breakout on my forehead that I need to try and cover up).

update: here's the hat!

I'm also going to try and join another blog network and see if it helps. Any other tips? Please leave them in the comments!

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